Tag "research projects"

'Joint Background in Political Science and Anthropology Turned Out to Be Invaluably Useful in Studying the Region'

'Joint Background in Political Science and Anthropology Turned Out to Be Invaluably Useful in Studying the Region'
From April 26 to May 7, a team of professors and students from HSE University-St Petersburg conducted a field study in the Indian Himalayas. We asked Aleksei Sorbale, an academic supervisor of the Bachelor's programme 'Political Science and World Politics', and Pavel Bazarov, a graduate of the Bachelor's programme and a student of the Master's programme 'Global and Regional History', to tell us about their research and share their impressions of the expedition.

Joint Project of Scientists from HSE University and Surgut State University to Help Prevent Recurrent Heart Attacks and Strokes

Joint Project of Scientists from HSE University and Surgut State University to Help Prevent Recurrent Heart Attacks and Strokes
One of the winning projects of a competition held by HSE University’s Mirror Laboratories last June focuses on the use of machine learning technologies to predict the outcomes of acute coronary syndrome. It is implemented by HSE University’s International Laboratory of Bioinformatics together with the Research and Educational Centre of the Medical Institute at Surgut State University. Maria Poptsova, Head of the International Laboratory of Bioinformatics and Associate Professor at HSE University’s Faculty of Computer Science, talks about how this joint project originated, how it will help patients, and how work to implement it will be organised.